Some Statistics of Palmetto Schools

  • Palmetto Elementary was rated an A school in 2004 and in 2006.
  • In the school year 2004-05 (7/05/05) Palmetto El has 878 students enrolled in Kindergarten through 5th Grade.
  • In the "School Building Survey" of 1947, Pal El had 261 students in 1945-46, and 248 students in 1946-47.
  • In the school year 2006-07 Palmetto El has 44"Regular" & 8 "Support" teachers, 7 "Special Area" teachers, 35 staff, for 94 total staff.
  • Approximately 100 years ago Palmetto El had one teacher and no staff.
  • A building designated for use as a school has been available in the Palmetto area since the 1880's.
  • The Palmetto Academy built by the City of Palmetto was the first public school in Manatee County.
  • In 1999, Palmetto El had 25% (4 of 16) of Manatee County's first National Board Certified Teachers.
  • The gym was built in 1935 for $15,000.
  • The two-story Frankie A. Howze School building was built in 1926 for $62,500.
  • The two-story Senior High building was built in 1923 for $75,000.
  • The basic school site between 7th and 8th Streets and 9th and 10th avenues contains 3 1/2 to 4 acres.
  • The auditorium of the Frankie A. Howze school was 140 feet long X 75 feet wide, and had a capacity of 700.
  • In Diane Beck, Debbie Panagiotakis, Minnie Rivera, and Renee Varnadore Palmetto El has the friendliest, most courteous office staff in the county.